What is British Wagyu?
Today, Wagyu Beef is highly regarded across the world, but this hasn’t always been the case. Historically, the Wagyu Beef breed was confined to Japan and only arrived on foreign shores in the 1970’s. The name WAGYU is derived from the Japanese heritage with ‘Wa’ meaning Japanese and ‘Gyu’ means cow.

Wagyu cattle are held in such high regard due to the higher levels of intramuscular fat or ‘marbling’, which delivers a product with a rich meaty flavour. The genetics from a 100% Wagyu bull are sent across from Australia to produce our cross breed British Wagyu cattle.

British farmers
We work with over 150 British farmers to produce the delicious Wagyu Beef you have purchased today. All our farmers meet the requirements of the Wagyu Breeders Association (WBA) assurance scheme, which ensures full traceability throughout the supply chain. Adhering to the highest standards of animal welfare, all our farmers are passionate about what they do with a strong commitment to sustainable farming.

In 2019, our farmers were recognised by Compassion in World Farming and awarded ‘The Good Calf Award’ for the outstanding care and attention they give to the animals from the very beginning of their life. Compassion in World Farming (CIWF) are an independent charity who focus on ensuring all farm animals are treated with compassion and respect – a great acknowledgement of the care and attention from all our farmer to their animals.

British Wagyu assured
The British Wagyu Quality Assurance scheme launched in July 2020, with the aim of ensuring consumer trust, both in the quality of the product they purchase and in the high standards of animal welfare across all farms. The scheme has 4 key objectives:

  • Lead the industry in terms of traceability, animal welfare and consumer trust.
  • Enhance the integrity and value of premium Wagyu beef.
  • Be at the forefront of data collection for meat quality, performance efficiency and climate change.
  • Increase the profile and demand of British Wagyu.

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